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Home / Registrations / FSSAI Registration

Easy Online FSSAI Registration with Finaccle.

  •  Get FSSAI registration within no time
  •  Enjoy hassle free FSSAI registration processing with Finaccle
  •  Finaccle lays a groundwork for your business.


1. We collect and verify the documents

2. We file the FSSAI application on your behalf

3. You procure the FSSAI License and enjoy legal benefits


Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is a statutory body established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.

The FSSAI has been established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, which is a consolidating statute related to food safety and regulation in India.

FSSAI is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety. 


FSSAI registration is mandatory for anyone involved in the food business. Be it food processing, food manufacturing, packaging, distributing, or selling, you need to get an FSSAI registration to run your business.

The registration/license is issued by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), an institution that monitors food businesses under the guidelines and regulations listed in the FSSAI Act 2006.

Benefits of fssai registration


Apart from the fact that FSSAI registration is mandatory for your food business, getting it also comes with some benefits:

  • It creates trust and credibility among your customers
  • The FSSAI logo is widely recognized and hence it can ensure goodwill among consumers
  • Hygiene and cleanliness are regulated and followed when FSSAI registration is involved
  • You can create better work policies or improve them through studies that you get access to
  • New knowledge about the industry is shared with you which will help you to improve your safety standards and aid you in reaching the standards of international organizations
  • FSSAI is mandatory when you sell food products online
  • FSSAI is also responsible for setting guidelines and procedures for quality assurance of the accredited labs as per ISO17025.

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From hawkers, home vendors to giant food chains everyone operating in the food industry needs to register with FSSAI. Irrespective of whether you are operating online or offline, or whether you are a local player or into the import or export of food products, you need to register with FSSAI.

If your business falls in any one of the below-listed categories, then a food license is mandatory for you:

  • Procurement
  • Manufacture
  • Distribution
  • Processing
  • Packaging
  • Storage
  • Selling

To put it differently, everybody who works with food substances from farm to plate must have an FSSAI food license.

Types of fssai license in india

According to the FSSAI Act, 2006 all food businesses are required to be registered/licensed under the following 3 categories:

FSSAI Registration - Basic 
It is the primary kind of registration issued for businesses that are small in turnover – up to ₹12 lakhs approximately per annum.
Catering businesses irrespective of their turnover have to apply for a state license and not a basic FSSAI registration.

FSSAI State License
Companies that have a profit greater than ₹12 lakhs require a state license.

FSSAI Central License
The central registration is for bigger businesses that have a turnover of over ₹20 crores per annum.
Companies that supply food to government offices/departments and businesses involved in food import/export, an online platform, operating franchises, or chains of hotels/restaurants have to get a central license as well.

Documents required



  • Photo Identity of the Food Business Operator.
  • Proof of the complete possession of premises (e.g. Rental Agreement).
  • A Partnership Deed or a Certificate of Incorporation.
  • List of food products (that would be inputs as well as the final menu) to be dealt with.
  • A detailed food safety management plan.


Documents required for the Central FSSAI License:

  • Form B duly completed and signed
  • Plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions and operation-wise area allocation
  • List of Directors/ Partners/ Proprietor with address, contact details, and photo ID
  • Name and list of equipment and machinery used with the number and installed capacity
  • List of food category to be manufactured
  • Authority letter from manufacturer nominated a responsible person name and address
  • Analysis report of water to be used in the process to confirm the portability
  • Source of raw material for milk, meat etc
  • Recall plan wherever applicable
  • Ministry of Commerce Certificate for 100% EOU
  • NOC/PA document issued by FSSAI
  • IE code document issued by DGFT
  • Form IX
  • Certificate from Ministry of Tourism
  • Proof of possession of premises
  • Partnership deed/ affidavit of proprietorship
  • NOC and copy of License from the manufacturer
  • Food safety management system plan or certificate
  • NOC from the municipality or local body
  • Supporting document for proof of turnover and transportation
  • Declaration form


Documents required for the State FSSAI License:

  • Form B duly completed and signed
  • Plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions and operation-wise area allocation List of Directors/ Partners/ Proprietor with address, contact details, and photo ID
  • Name and list of equipment and machinery used with the number and installed capacity
  • List of food category to be manufactured
  • Authority letter from manufacturer nominated a responsible person name and address
  • Analysis report of water to be used in the process to confirm the portability
  • Proof of possession of premises
  • Partnership deed/ affidavit of proprietorship
  • NOC and copy of License from the manufacturer
  • Copy of certificate obtained under Co-op Act 1861/Multi state Co-op Act 2002
  • Food safety management system plan or certificate

Penalty for non registration

A food business operator (FBO) who runs their business without registering under FSSAI may face imprisonment and an FSSAI license penalty of up to ₹5 lakhs for the same.


Homemade food prepared for your own consumption does not require an FSSAI license. Homemade food prepared for the purpose of sale or commercial use requires an FSSAI registration.

The FSSAI license or registration cannot be renewed if it is not applied within 30 days from the expiry of license/registration. Once the license/registration is expired, the FBO has to apply afresh.

FSSAI License/Registration can be applied or renewed for 1 year up to a maximum of 5 years at a time.

FSSAI license is based on premise. All kinds of food business activities which are being carried out at the same premise can be applied for in a single FSSAI license.

A License or registration renewal application can be made as early as 180 days (6 months) in advance.


What they say about us

Abhishek Taliya

Quick response to any query. Excellent services and Extremely polite and professional staff.
Abhishek Taliya, 3Tee Elastic Private Limited

Shreyansh Kothari

Best in business in their respective fields
Shreyansh Kothari, K Lal

Abhishek Gotawala

Great service by Team of Finaccle. Their execution method is amazing. Would love to continue with them in future!
Abhishek Gotawala, Harikanta Overseas Private limited

Mr. Sharma

It's good to work with Finaccle's Advisors. Perfect and Reliable.
Mr. Sharma, Ganesh Weaving

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